ThinkPad e431 led blink morse code

I was always curious about the leds on the laptop and wonder “how are they controlled?” Can they be controlled at all? I was sure they can be controlled because they behave based on state of the laptop for instance when the lid is close the led blinks indicating that system is in suspend mode.… Read More »

Customize title bar in GNOME 3 without extension

I always wondered how come in elementary OS the title bar is transparent, When I found the way to change it in debian it was amazing, The GNOME 3 environment has simple and plan but under the hood we can do lot of customization, one of the commands used to customize is gsettings. Ok lets… Read More »

Change sizes of gnome desktop background

A simple script to change the background.   Just a simple bash script for changing the position of your wallpaper, and it works on Fedora 18;) #!/bin/bash OPTIONS=”Centered Scaled Spanned Zoom Stretched Wallpaper Quit” select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ “$opt” = “Centered” ]; then gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options “centered” echo You choose the… Read More »

Quick tricks on shell

I was working on a project that involves moving data from one point to other, it involves a verity of commands. I am listing some useful tricks. 1. This script is a tiny script to compress, generate md5 and transfer any directory. tar cvJf $1.tar.xz $2; md5sum $1.tar.xz > $1.md5sum scp -i<private key> -P<port> $1.md5sum <user>@<hostname>:<path>… Read More »

Overcome a bug to add unofficial repos in arch

I was struggling to add an unofficial repo for amd catalyst. When I tried to add the key I get a strange error. “connecting to dirmngr failed” simplest hack to solve it is to give the following command from root. sudo -i dirmngr < /dev/null this will create necessary stuff for gpg. after the pacman-key… Read More »